This condition occurs when the left iliac vein is compressed between the right iliac artery and the spine, resulting in increased venous pressure due to the compression of the outflow tract of the left extremity and increasing the risk of thrombosis.

This occlusion prevents the outflow of blood from the left leg and the left side of the pelvis through the left iliac vein into the inferior vena cava. Many patients develop a marked collateral circulation to work around blood flow blockages. This results in a change of flow in the left internal iliac vein, thus pooling blood into the pelvis and generating strong venous plexuses that surround certain organs such as the uterus, ovaries, rectum, and bladder.

vena y arteria iliaca izquierda
trombosis venosa profunda

Frequent symptoms

  • Pain in the lower abdomen

  • Pain in the groin and the left thigh

  • Left side pain

  • Swelling of the left leg

  • Swelling of the pelvic region

  • Numbness of the left leg

  • Low back pain

  • Mobility issues

  • Tendency to develop thrombosis and varicose veins in the left leg

dolor pélvico